Autumn: Metal Element – “Letting Go” vLog2_2019

The Metal Element – Autumn

Chinese character for “Metal Element”

“Wind passes over the lake.

The swelling waves stretch away

Without limit. Autumn comes with the twilight,

And boats grow rare on the river .

Flickering waters and fading mountains

Always touch the heart of man.

I never grow tired of singing

Of their boundless beauty.

The lotus pods are already formed,

And the water lilies have grown old.

The dew has brightened the blossoms

Of the arrowroot along the riverbank.

The herons and seagulls sleep

on the sand with their

Heads tucked away, as though

They did not wish to see

The men who pass by on the river.

-Li Ch’ing Chao, A.D. 1081 – 1143

Taken from: Beinfield, H, & Korngold, E. (1991). Between heaven and earth: A guide to Chinese Medicine. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.

Taking a moment today to reflect on Autumn’s energies…

I’m looking forward to applying these understandings to how we teach, set up classrooms, and are intentional in our daily interactions. More vLogs to come.

One thought on “Autumn: Metal Element – “Letting Go” vLog2_2019

  • What an awesome way to deliver your blog today…..the physical act of walking, the changing of the leaves, the advent of Fall, the theme of “Letting Go.” Great idea! You’re in a place that lends itself so perfectly to showing how Nature surrenders and lets go.Looking forward to your next blog and how all this “letting go” is applicable to the classroom. The poem is exquisite. As Rumi this morning says, ‘poetry is the drum that opens the heart to Love.”


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